miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2010

paparazzi lady gaga

The predominant colors were: black in her lips and her eyes, golden in her furniture and some actor's blood.
Is a beautity and innóvate video.
The video is very sexual

- Is a beauty and innovate video sexuality, has erotic and violent scenes the production is excellent.

The make up is used, the dresses the coreography and the stage is perfect.


Leather: cuero.

Sure: seguro.

Price: precio.

Biggest: más grande.

Fan: entusiasta.

Follow: seguir.

Backstage: detrás de escena.

Shadow: sombra.

Lashes: pestañas.

Teardrops: lágrimas.

Chase: perseguir

Shit: mierda.

Fun: divertirse.
angy lizbeth blanquisel
Elver Oquendo

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